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Shandong Fengtu IOT Technology Co., Ltd

Sales Manager:Ms. Emily Wang

Cel,Whatsapp,Wechat:+86 15898932201

Add:No. 155 Optoelectronic Industry Accelerator, Gaoxin District, Weifang, Shandong, China

precipitation measurement unit

precipitation measurement unit

precipitation measurement unit measures the amount of rainfall in millimeters or inches, primarily collecting the water that falls on it and recording changes in the depth of the rainfall over time....

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water level sensors for water tanks

water level sensors for water tanks

water level sensors for water tanks Water level sensors for water tanks Water level sensors for water tanks, containers and reservoirs....

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accurate weather station

accurate weather station

accurate weather station provides accurate weather measurement results and can accurately measure a variety of meteorological elements....

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ultrasonic weather station

ultrasonic weather station

ultrasonic weather station can provide accurate and reliable weather data, measuring wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, optical rainfall, etc....

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wind direction measuring device

wind direction measuring device

wind direction measuring device is an instrument used to measure wind direction in greenhouse, environment, weather station, ship, dock, aquaculture and other environments....

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chlorophyll sensor

chlorophyll sensor

chlorophyll sensor detected the fluorescence of chlorophyll and estimated the concentration of phytoplankton, which provides a high-performance measurement of chlorophyll A....

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weather measuring tools

weather measuring tools

weather measuring tools can measure weather phenomena, including wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, light, optical rainfall, pm2.5, pm10, noise, etc....

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rainfall detection

rainfall detection

rainfall detection is a device designed to detect the presence and intensity of rainfall, which can detect changes in rainfall in real time, regardless of sunlight, dust, leaves, etc....

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humidity sensor how does it work

humidity sensor how does it work

humidity sensor how does it work? Used to measure air humidity and temperature, it is a device that detects and measures the humidity or water content in the surrounding air....

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wind speed sensors

wind speed sensors

wind speed sensors are ultrasonic sensors that measure wind speed and direction, providing important data for meteorological research, aviation, offshore operations, and more....

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